Tips on how to write your own vows

Photo by: Mihoci

Something that makes everyone go “Awww” not only the person standing in front of you. Yes, those are your vows. It is absolutely true that some have more talent than others in the way how they express their emotions through writing. Ultimately it is what you said, not how you said it, so don’t stress out about it that much. Just be you, people invited are your closest ones, they’ll notice when you start using words that you’ve never used before. It will probably make you feel uncomfortable. Avoid that, stay true to yourself and be confident.

What will also boost your confidence is following these few tips when writing your vows. So, let’s begin.

  1. Understand that it’s impossible to include everything – You’ve surely had gazillion moments together that are worth remembering. From your first date, learning how to drive, accidents in the restaurant, to different party experiences etc. You cannot mention it all otherwise your Priest might take a break and go sit behind the Altar. Focus on communicating the emotions that you’ve felt while being present in those moments.


2. Be unique – Avoid writing things you’re used to hearing in movies. Even though it is nice to have a quote that hits the “soft spot”, make the remaining part of the text really your own. It’s your time to shine, make the best use out of it. Honestly writing down your own words that come straight from the heart is a hundred times more personal (even if it’s shorter), than having all these fancy cliché looking sentences.


3. Include a bit of humor – It’s always nice to crack a few laughs. Especially in this moment when both of you are a bit nervous. It comes as a great balance between being serious and sentimental. Such a roller-coaster of emotions. One moment you’re crying next thing you know your cheeks hurt from laughing. LOVE IT!


4. If you’re like me and while casually walking around the grocery store you remember what you could have said in the argument the other day, then, write down your thoughts right away!! How many times such perfect sentences get lost because we don’t remember them and don’t have anywhere to write them down. Such a shame. Where are they now? Having a perfect party? Ughhh…


5. Plan it ahead – Yes, I’m looking at you procrastinator! If you’re usually used to doing this in the last moment, please change your habits for this. You’ll be much more relaxed, and the words will come out naturally. Nothing great is created from stressful situations. Take your time.


6. Read it out loud (to yourself or to a friend) –Hearing your words versus seeing them makes you catch mistakes. You can then word it differently. Change and move the parts to make the flow sound better. You can also practice your reading, emphasize the pauses. Adjust the tone of your voice. Stand straight and be confident.


There’s nothing to worry about, you’ll excel it. Let your words come from your soul but include just a bit of brain to make it sound better😊 You two already know how you feel towards each other, but it’s nice to hear it. Be prepared to melt away.


Photo by: Mihoci Photo by: Mihoci Photo by: Mihoci Photo by: Mihoci Photo by: Mihoci Photo by: Mihoci


